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The fall of The House of Usher
di Edgar Allan Poe
Corridor House of Usher

The fall of The House of Usher
di Edgar Allan Poe.
Int. Casa- Corridoio
Dall’ingresso si accede attraverso due aperture aventi un arco a sesto acuto, in un tenebroso corridoio che porta sia allo studio di Roderick sia ai sotterranei dove è situata la cripta.
Fosche tappezzerie, quadri di diverse dimensioni e trofei araldici oscurano e ricoprono le mura in pietra del corridoio.
Corridor House of Usher
The entrance is accessed through two openings with an acute sixth arch, in a dark corridor that leads both to the studio of Roderick and to the underground where the crypt is located.
Dark tapestries, paintings of different sizes and heraldic trophies obscure and cover the stone walls of the corridor.
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